октября 08, 2010

I was tagged...

A few weeks ago I was tagged by Annie but with the recent move and lots of packing/unpacking, I got some quiet time just now.

So, here are my answers to the tag:

Four things that are always in my purse (besides the obvious):
  1. lip gloss
  2. lip liner
  3. lots of old receipts which I always forget to take out
  4. head scarf for church service

Four things in the drawer in my desk (that one wouldn't expect to find there):

(I had to open my drawers for this one to remember what I have inside, as I keep lots of items ON my desk but forget what I stack inside the drawers - if I don't see it, I don't use it)
  1. one drawer full of kids drawings
  2. addition-subtraction-multiplication flash cards
  3. information folder that I was given at the hospital when my youngest child was born, it has proofs of Michael's first baby pictures inside (he is 2.5 now and still haven't filed the folder away - so much for organization)
  4. several blank notebooks I got on clearance for kid's future school use

Four favorite things in my bedroom:
  1. our wedding album
  2. my beloved laptop
  3. huge pillow to elevate my feet during sleep (you know, I am pregnant)
  4. potted cacti plants my husband brought me from Arizona

Four things I always wanted to do:
  1. become an artist - still dreaming about it
  2. eat lots of chocolate and never gain weight - doesn't work
  3. be a mom - I am
  4. sleep in the mornings - sometimes I do, if I put kids really late to bed the night before

Four things I like at the moment:
  1. lots of storage space in a new house
  2. fresh fall air and colorfull foilage
  3. dark chocolate with hazeltuns bar that my hubby brought me from his recent trip
  4. all kids sleeping soundly in their bedrooms

Four things no one knows about me:
  1. I have different eyes - one farsighted and another nearsighted
  2. I came to the United States as an exchange student at the age of 16
  3. I became a Christian when I was 22
  4. I never thought I'll have more than two children (and I am glad I was wrong)

Bloggers I want to tag:

  1. Lena
  2. Natasha - (if she ever decides to return to blogging :)
  3. Suzanne

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